Thank you to all the audience who came to see Gaslight and support the Hippodrome, it was a wonderful week with lots of lovely feedback. As Always the society would like to thank our amazing volunteers that helped in anyway to get the production to the stage, we are always grateful for the time and dedication you give.
If you would like to know what our regional NODA representative thought of the production you can read her review here.

Todmorden Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society is proud to present Patrick Hamilton's psychological drama, set in Victorian times, which is just as relevant today as when it was written in 1938.
Bella Manningham lives in a constant state of fear and doubt. When her husband Jack leaves the house she hears strange noises above, objects seem to go missing or change location, and most importantly the gas lamps seem to be getting more and more ineffectual. Is there something unnatural at work here, or as Jack insists, is she simply losing her mind...? When a stranger comes into her life, everything she thought she knew gets turned on its head and she begins to question everything about her reality.
The term "gaslighting" – psychological manipulation intended to make the victim question their sanity – has now become embedded in our language, and Hamilton could never have imagined that his drama would give today's world such a powerful term.
Tickets for this thriller are on sale now so book early to avoid disappointment.

Marvellous Maddie

Not only is Maddie Cullinane playing the part of Elizabeth; she is once again working her magic in the wardrobe department. We're so very lucky to have volunteers like Maddie giving her time and expertise to the theatre to ensure that the cast look the part when the curtain rises!

Iain Mackness makes his directorial debut with TAODS. Iain has performed with TAODS and been part of our technical team for many years but is now very much looking forward to taking the creative reigns of this dark phycological thriller himself

Casting Announcement
We’re delighted to announce the cast of our February play, Gaslight, the tale of a trickster husband, a wife in crisis, the helpless maids and the know it all policeman. It is fantastic to welcome both returning members and new faces for this upcoming production.
Jack - Richard Holley
Bella - Hannah Butler
Nancy - Brontë Hobson
Rough - Peter Appleby
Elizabeth - Madeleine Cullinane
We’re really looking forward to getting started with rehearsals for this classic which seems more relevant today than ever.